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Our Programme

Our programme is based on the CAPS curriculum and is  structured around four key elements.

We refer to several resources when planning our program and lessons, which have been revised according to the

CAPS curriculum. 



At Kids@home, our Children communicate with others verbally and nonverbally to engage the world around them. As they make new friends, they gain the confidence, self-esteem and negotiating skills necessary for a lifetime of healthy relationships.




Our Children enjoy a safe, nurturing "home away from home" environment where they are able to express themselves and understand their own unique identities. As they grow, we hope they will gain the comfort and confidence to forge trusting relationships, value their individuality and have fun in the process



We focus on the physical health and well-being of each Child, so that they grow up safe and strong. Motor skill development, co-ordination, mobility and exercise all help in developing a healthy body.




Our learning programme is aimed at building brain power by supporting the development of judgment, perception, memory, reasoning, critical thinking, and language through a series of age-appropriate cognitive activities. Pre reading, prewriting and early math’s are important as our Children experience the world around them.


To maximize each child’s learning experience, we offer:

  • Small classes to ensure that each Child has opportunities to work individually with a teacher.

  • A program that is based on the CAPS curriculum and carefully considers the various development areas and stages of a young child.

  • Several opportunities for stimulating outings and excursions.

  • A range of teaching methods that support the different learning styles.

  • Activities that are designed to best equip and prepare our children for Gr 1. (School readiness).

  • Ongoing assessment of each learner to carefully observe and manage their progress.

  • A few extra activities as shown below. 


Little Muso’s

To develop musical awareness and expose the children to a range of musical concepts and songs, whilst being able to relax and have fun.  Our children thoroughly enjoy this time with Sarah and are encouraged to explore their inherent musicality while developing the necessary musical skills for children of this age.  The cost will be included in your child’s school fees. 



Where our children are exposed to an additional language. Here they learn the names of body parts, basic greetings, days of the week, colours and numbers 1-10. 

Our isiXhosa teachers teach Xhosa in small groups during the morning ring-time. 



Where our children are exposed to an additional language. Here they learn the names of body parts, basic greetings, days of the week, colours and numbers 1-10. 

Our Afrikaans teacher teaches Afrikaans in small groups during the morning ring-time for all classes.



To further develop co-ordination, motor skills, flexibility, balance, strength, agility and body awareness whilst developing various skills.  Sports Hub runs as part of the Kids@home Physical Education Program. Sports Hub coaches come in once a week to coach each class at Kids@home.  These sessions take place during the school day, are age and stage specific. This allows each child to develop their fundamental movement skills and sport specific skills (as they get older).  Lessons take place once a week for each class. Our Squirrel & Owl class – 30 minute session, Grade RR + R – 40 minute session.  Sports Hub will do all the organization of the program (including Evaluation and Feedback). 


Cape Kinetics

The focus of Cape Kinetics on gross motor muscles, as these form the foundation for fine-motor muscles to base off. These sessions also take place during the school day. These lessons will also take place once a week for each class, for 30 minutes. This program focuses on each different age-group and their specific developmental skills. Mainly the following:

• Large-muscle development

• Balance

• Co-ordination

• Body consciousness

• Spatial orientation

• Hand-eye and Foot-eye co-ordination

• Motor planning

• Fine-motor skills

• Vestibular function

• Improvement for school readiness

• Low muscle tone & clumsiness

• Visual stimulation


Cape Kinetics will do all the organisation of the program, including a full evaluation and feedback assessment of each child.


Outside Activities 

Every week our classes are taken outside, and the Children experience fine motor & gross motor skill development though the use of various pieces of playground equipment.  Games are introduced to promote group play.  They set up obstacle courses and give the children the opportunity to practice their skipping, galloping, running, hopping, jumping etc. 


Class Activities

Each month is filled with fun and creative activities designed for the developmental level of the children.  Objectives include social, science, language, and math readiness skills.  Skills are introduced in different ways.  At least one art and one oral reading (story) are part of the daily activity. 


The Gr OO & Gr R classes may also include worksheets to help develop work habits as well as prepare the children for Grade 1.  In all class activities, each child is helped at his/ her developmental level to assure the successful completion of the task at hand. All children are encouraged to develop responsible classroom habits.  After an activity, our children are expected to help pick up toys and clear away items used during the activity.  Hands are washed before and after their snack is eaten.


During the year, each class has special events as a part of our schedule.  Occasionally these include parent participation. (Please note that when referring to ‘parent participation’ this could also include grandparents, guardians, or family members.  The activities provide parents the opportunity to participate in our school program.



Children are encouraged to celebrate their birthday with their peers.  The child can provide a snack of choice that day.  The children receive a small gift and a crown from the school. 

We also make our facilities open to all families, Kids@Home families or surrounding school families, for hosting birthday parties on weekends. This is subject to availability and booking in advance. Contact us for more information.



We request that each family helps with at least one lift to and from our outings every year.  We appreciate you taking the time to assist us, as we are not able to go on outings without your assistance.  We understand that most parents work but are happy to give you the outing dates in advance so that you can plan accordingly.  All the Children must remain with the group, under the guidance of the teacher.  The class teacher is in charge of the overall discipline and direction of the group.  Younger Children need to please provide their own car seat if being lifted by another parent.


Reading time

We invite parents / grandparents to bring a book from home to share with the class on a Friday at the end of the school day.  The book could be related to the   Weekly theme or simply a favorite bedtime story. 


Open Days

We host 2 open days a year, roughly in June and September. The dates for 2024 are 13 June and 19 September.

Our open days give you an insight as prospective parents into what we do and how our school functions during our school day. Afterwards you are invited to join us for tea. 


Special events

During the course of the year, the class teacher may incorporate special events for the family or classmates to celebrate time together as a part of the program.  These may include Grandparents Day, Special Person day, etc.  These will be indicated in the weekly and termly planning.



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Our Classes



(3 months +)

Half Day

7h30 - 14h00


Full Day

7h30 - 17h00


​Holiday Care

8h00 - 14h00

or 17h00




(2 - 3 Years Old)

7h30 - 12h00



12h00 - 17h00


Holiday Care

8h00 - 14h00

or 17h00


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(3 - 4 Years Old)

7h30 - 12h00



12h00 - 17h00


Holiday Care

8h00 - 14h00

or 17h00


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(4 - 5 Years Old)

7h30 - 12h30



12h00 - 17h00


Holiday Care

8h00 - 14h00

or 17h00


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(5 - 6 Years Old)



7h30 - 12h30

TERM 2 - 4 

7h30 - 12h50

(Monday - Thursday

& Friday - 12h30)



12h00 - 17h00


Holiday Care

8h00 - 14h00

or 17h00


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