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Our Schools Mission and Objectives

Kids@Home Early Learning Centre strives to create a safe, happy, stimulating environment for Children to develop their early learning skills through assisted educational activities and free play. We also strive to develop each Child’s full potential with the resources available.


To achieve this goal, our objectives are:


  • To maintain a high level of comprehensive education

  • To be a caring, nurturing school by focusing on the needs of each Child as an individual

  • To involve each family as much as possible

  • To include and support learners and their families who have any form of disability

  • To share a caring attitude towards the learners and their families

We strive to:


  • Encourage pure, wholesome moral values

  • Encourage a respect and sensitivity for differences

  • Recognize the rights of others to pursue their own religious beliefs

  • Develop teaching principles that are based on human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and responsibilities

To ensure efficient management and running of the school we will:


  • Maintain strong, open communication between parents, teachers, managers, specialists & our fundraising committee

  • Employ qualified, reliable staff based on merit but with sensitivity to issues of equitable opportunities

  • Maintain all the facilities in good condition

  • Maintain good relationships with other educational organizations and the community

Our Focus and Goals

Freedom Based on Discipline


When free to explore, to question & to express themselves, Children are most likely to learn and enjoy learning.  However Children can only feel free when they know what their boundaries are.  They need to know that there are limits and what they are.  This encourages self discipline in Children.




Children need to experience both giving and receiving respect.  Children need to respect themselves, each other, their work, and their environment.



Each Child is equally important.  We aim to guide our Children to discover and use their inner knowledge, so that they are free to participate and express themselves spontaneously and honestly.


Collective Ability


Children need to understand that they are individuals who form part of a group.  They need to work together at times, to share ideas and materials.

Children playing at kindergarden



Children need to understand that we are all unique.  For this reason, there should be no comparisons between Children or between their work.

Happy Boy



Nobody should hurt any person, animal or plant or damage things in their environment.



Children need to develop self reliance – to take responsibility for themselves, to be independent and resourceful.  They also need to produce work that they feel satisfied with rather than only to please the teacher.

Boy Holding a School Cone

An Ordered Environment


Children respond well to a sense of order if they feel that they are part of it.  They need a well-organized working space in which they can share the responsibility for organizing materials and equipment. 

Children's Storybooks
Art Fun

Active Learning & Participation


Education is not what we can give them, but rather what they experience.  Children learn when they are actively involved in doing, thinking, and discovering.


Meaningful Content


Children learn best when activities are directly related to their own personal experiences.

Creative Thinking – Not Imitation


Children need to learn how to think and not what to think.  Activities need to be aimed at developing creative thinking in Children.

Painting Stones

Positive Encouragement


Children develop confidence when they receive positive encouragement and constructive criticism. 

Art Class
Quality Time

Parental Involvement


Education is not something that happens at certain times in certain classes.  It is an ongoing experience.  Parents are the main teachers of their Children.  When teachers and parents communicate regularly, they can enrich each other’s understanding of their Children.  When parents are supportive and involved in their Children’s education, Children are more motivated and committed to learning.



"We hope that you and your Child will enjoy your time at Kids@Home and we look forward to getting to know you better.  We aim first and foremost to have happy Children and happy parents.  We welcome your interest and participation and look forward to you being a part of our Kids@Home family."

- Thank you -

Jessica Ferreira - Owner and Head Mistress

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