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(2 - 3 Year Olds)

Our Programme

At this age, children make new discoveries daily and they begin to express their independence. In the Starfish class we introduce them to a world of learning, sharing, and exploring.

At this age, children make new discoveries daily and they begin to express their independence. In the Starfish class we introduce them to a world of learning, sharing, and exploring.

Our holistic approach in this classroom engages the child’s young minds with the early learning fundamentals they’ll need as they continue to the Owl class and Bunny class, with a blend of play, art and music. Ultimately, our program is designed to best prepare each child for preschool education (Age group 3 - 4 & 4 - 5 years).


Here, Zimkhitha & Manyara encourage and support each child in order to build their self-confidence and basic self-help skills. They also create many opportunities where the children can express themselves creatively though music, art, dance and drama. The classroom environment is set out in such a way as to build each child’s cognitive, emotional, social, and physical skills.


Planned activities are age-appropriate, using materials that help each child to cover important learning concepts daily. Zimkhitha & Manyara keep an open channel of communication between the principal and the family of each child. Regular informal meetings are held to keep all updated and informed, concerns are discussed, monitored and interventions put in place when necessary.



Kindly click the button below to download and view our daily programme:





Please note: Although personal care activities such as toilet routine and hand washing are scheduled throughout the day, these will also occur outside the scheduled times in order to meet each child’s individual needs.


Our Main Focus in this Age Group is to:

  • Develop their self-help skills - dressing, toilet routine, eating independently

  • Enhance & build their vocabulary through books, stories, rhymes and role play

  • Build their self-esteem and confidence (developing an 'I can attitude')

  • Create an awareness of the world around them

  • Instill a curiosity about learning

  • Make friends and have fun whilst at school


The Teacher Facilitates by:

  • Responding to each child and by answering questions when necessary

  • Praising a child when they attempt to help themselves

  • Involving each child in baking/ science/ art activities

  • Including each child in activities such as pouring juice for snack time, reading a book or packing away

  • Allowing each child to experiment and try out their skills

  • Encouraging children to share what they are learning/ to show what they can do

  • Including each child during circle time/ group activities so that they all feel valued

  • Encouraging children to talk about themselves (news time) or share their interests or talents

  • Showing appreciation or responding positively to a child’s actions

  • Providing opportunities for the children to be near other children or engage with their peers, take turns, or play turn-taking games

  • Providing opportunities for children to talk about their favourite things & activities

  • Letting the children be involved in making the rules for the class and explaining the reasons for each

  • Explaining consequences for rules not being followed

  • Pointing out dangers in the home & school environment

  • Making children aware of safety symbols e.g., fasten safety belt, poison, stop sign etc.

  • Encouraging the Children to always be honest and have good manners



Zimkhitha Sukwana – Class Teacher

Zimkhitha has a 10 month old son and she is loving being a first time mom. She has 8 years of teaching experience. Zimkhitha has a BA Degree in communications and registered for a PGCE course at Varsity College.  She believes in "being in the moment".

Zimkhitha believes children's minds are so beautiful and should be nurtured and developed to suit their unique personality.

Neila Kumire (Nellie) – Class Assistant and Aftercare Assistant

Nellie is engaged and soon to be married, Nellie has a daughter of the age of 8 years old.  Nellie is a fun and energetic person and loves working with children. Her passion is to use her bubbly and energetic personality and help children along their developmental journey.

Nellie has her first aid certificate. and she is in the process of furthering her studies. .Nellie is an adventures person and enjoys painting and reading​ in her spare time. 

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