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Painting Eggs


(4 - 5 Year Olds)

Our Programme

Through independent exploration, more structured activities, and hands on learning our Children now start to develop a variety of skills and knowledge in the following areas:


  • Early literacy

  • Early numeracy

  • Life skills

  • Social skills

In the Bunny Class, we follow a themed approach to encourage each child’s curiosity, increase their confidence, and support self-directed activities. The children are involved in small and whole group activities where they are encouraged to solve problems, develop their thinking skills, and learn how to work in a group.

The classroom environment is set out in such a way as to build each child’s cognitive, emotional, social, and physical skills.

Observation based assessments (that track each child’s progress) and one on one interactions, help the teacher to guide the child towards their developmental milestones and eventual school readiness.


Each child has a work portfolio, art file and record file that document growth and development through each child’s work. Crystel meets regularly with parents to discuss developments, concerns, and methods to support where necessary. Here they discuss ways that parents are able to continue the learning process at home.

E.g., reading to Children at bedtime, playing board games, building puzzles, topics to spark discussions etc.


In this Class the Teachers have 6 Focus Areas on they which they work, namely:



By creating a language rich environment in the classroom, we hope to encourage each child’s development of 'Early Literacy'. Activities include reading aloud, introducing the children to the Letterland characters, role play, rhymes etc.


Building brain power

We try and help each child develop a higher level of thinking skills.

  • We encourage the exploration of the physical properties of materials e.g., wood, plastic & glass

  • Use daily calendar activities to teach sequencing of events, patterns & routines)

  • We support the learning of cognitive skills such as counting, testing & drawing conclusions – whilst doing baking or science activities/experiments


Making new friends

We discuss ways of developing strong relationships by:

  • Modelling social concepts such as please and thank you.

  • Having daily discussions

  • Exploring similarities & differences between children

  • Encourage co-operation with one another


Growing a Healthy Body

By doing various activities like lacing cards, stencils, writing activities, play dough etc., we enhance the Child’s fine motor skills. We strengthen co-ordination and gross motor skills through running jumping and throwing activities twice a week. We discuss healthy food choices with the children, so that they start making healthy choices for themselves. In our themes we also discuss ways our bodies respond to exercise and the food we take in.


Nurturing Creativity

We encourage each Child to explore their creative ideas and talents by providing activities daily where the Children can express themselves by painting, moving, dancing, singing, puppet shows, telling of stories and role play.


Developing Lasting Life Skills

We encourage curiosity and choice, by providing the children with opportunities to solve problems, share their ideas or thinking. We also use daily routines to promote memory.



Kindly click the button below to download and view our daily programme:





Please note: Although personal care activities such as toilet routine and hand washing are scheduled throughout the day, these will also occur outside the scheduled times in order to meet each child’s individual needs.


Our Main Focus in these Groups are:

  • Lessons & activities to help prepare each child for Gr R and Gr 1 respectively.

  • Small group lessons focused on early literacy, early numeracy, basic life skills and social skills

  • Whole class activities that help each child build an awareness of others and a sense of community

  • Hands on experiences that encourage independent, creative learning

  • Classroom activities that help each child build literacy and numeracy skills

  • Regular parent teacher communication and ways to connect what he/she learns at home with what is covered at school

  • Encouraging the children to name their feelings and model ways of showing strong feelings

As these learners grow, we create activities and lessons that help each child explore, communicate, and create in a nurturing, small class environment. As our class is small, the children receive one on one attention.




(Principal & Bunny Class Teacher)

Crystel is our school principal as well as the class teacher in our Bunny Class.  She is married and has a daughter Ella who will be 10 in December.  She has been part of our Kids@home team for the past 14 years.  She loves working with Children and is very passionate about her job. She has completed her Level 5 ‘Leadership for ECD Practitioners’ at Northlink College.  She enjoys the outdoor life and spending time with her family.  Her motto in life is to, "Live life to the fullest and everyday as if it's your last."



(Class Assistant)

Nontombi Mabede is the teaching assistant in the Bunny Class.  She is a single mother of  two daughters, Khanyisa (23); Miyolo (6) and a son Luniko (17) who is in Grade 11.  She worked at Rainbow Nursery in Pinelands from 2008 – 2016 before joining our team She has a NQF level 3 and is in the process of studying Early Childhood Development through False Bay College.  

"My career objective is to be an integral part of a dynamic institution where my hard work will lead to success.  I want to be part of a progressive team.  I love my work."  â€‹


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