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The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to guide you in the application and admissions process at Kids@Home Early Learning Centre.   We will not refuse any Pupil on the grounds of race, religious belief or socio-economic background



We are committed to providing a caring, safe, educationally sound environment for every child in our care.  Safety and well being are of paramount importance in determining the capacity of the school.


Where it becomes necessary to select prospective pupils as a result of applications exceeding the places available, the principal will have the discretion to admit pupils and the selection shall be based on the following criteria:

  • Preference will be given to applicants where Kids@Home is the nearest school offering Gr R

  • The age of the applicant.  The Child must turn 6 years old in Grade R

  • The capacity of the school to provide adequately for the educational needs, language needs and special needs of the applicant

  • Children of past pupils and teachers

  • Due regard to a fair distribution of Boys/Girls


Applications are to be made in writing on the school’s prescribed application form, together with documentary proof requested to be annexed thereto. Incomplete applications may not be processed.  A R350 application fee is to be paid in cash or via EFT at time of application.


As we are a small school, we are not able to have applicant’s visit unannounced to see our facilities.  We invite prospective families to visit our school in small groups so that they are able to meet our teachers, see our facilities and ask all the pertinent questions.  The following items are then also discussed:

  • The ethos of our school

  • The opportunities available to our Children both intra and extra-murally

  • The teaching style adopted and utilized by the school

  • The rights, rules and responsibilities and freedoms of our Children, parents, and school with relation to behavior, daily roster, paying of fees etc.

  • We encourage our parents to express their hopes, concerns, and questions re the enrollment of their Child at Kids@home Early Childhood Development Centre


We will then notify you in writing as to whether your application has been successful or not.   We will happily keep unsuccessful applicants details on our waiting list in the event that a space becomes available.  We then ask parents to confirm their Child’s acceptance within the specified period. 


Kindly select the suitable application form option below:

2024 Application form:




2025 Application form:




Your applications can be scanned and emailed to:, with POP of your application fee.




Foods should be simple and easy to prepare, ‘ready’ to eat and appetizing after a few hours of storage in a lunch box.  Choose an insulated lunch box to keep the lunch cool as perishable foods such as dairy products, eggs and sliced meats should be kept cool and eaten within a few hours of preparation.  Do not pack these foods if just cooked.  Refrigerate overnight. 


Children are influenced by food advertising and their friends’ food choices.  Please remember that not all children go to school with lunch boxes filled with chips and lollies, despite what children think and say! 


It is important to keep offering healthy lunch box choices in a variety of ways, as children learn to eat what is familiar to them.  And remember that it may take time to change your Child’s food preferences to more healthy choices.  We do not allow sharing of snack boxes at school, simply because there are Children at school with food allergies.  Do not misunderstand this, and if your Child comes to school with no snack (occasionally) we will certainly make him/ her something to eat.


With the number of food allergies on the increase and the danger for such a Child, we ask that you please be sensitive when preparing your Child’s lunchbox.


We are trying to instill a better attitude towards food by educating and empowering our Children with knowledge about food and healthy attitudes, which they will carry throughout life.  We would also prefer Bakerman items to please to be savoury and not sweet.  The Children are however allowed to bring cupcakes or cake on their birthday as this is truly a day to celebrate.


To assist parents in making the most out of our daily program, we have included a list of procedures to help develop an environment of mutual caring and acceptance essential for positive development in each child’s academic and social endeavours.



Parents / guardians are urged to ensure their children are at school timeously.  It is very disruptive for those already present to have late arrivals and even more so for the Children arriving late. 


- Our doors are open from 07:30 -


We understand that many of you need to get to work by 08:00 but ask that you please give us until then to prepare your child’s classroom.  Please do not ring the buzzer before then or walk in when staff arrive for work. 

School officially starts at 08:00 for our Gr OO & Gr R, and at 08:45 for our Starfish & Owl classes. 


Please be prompt in collecting your child. 

The Panda Class finish at 14:00 (half day) & 17:00 (full day).

The Starfish & Owl Class finish at 12:00, the Bunny Class finish at 12:30 whilst the Gr R class finish at 12:30(term 1) and 12:50 (term 2-4). 

Children that are collected late will be charged an aftercare fee.



Each parent/ guardian/ authorised person is responsible to drop off and pick up their child from the front door or middle gate and not the street gate. 

We ask that you park against the curb facing the correct way when parking on the side of the school.  The area in front of the school is to please be treated as a drop & go. 

The children can then be taken to the gate – whereby they then walk in on their own.  If you would like to walk your child in, we ask that you please park on the same side of the road, but further on (e.g., front of number 50 or 52). 

Please do not park on the opposite side of the road, as it can be dangerous to oncoming traffic.   




If you are making use of a lift service, please insist that the driver turns off the vehicle and accompanies your child to the front door.  Only once your child is safely inside, are they to get back into the vehicle.   We ask that you also please ensure that whoever drops or collects your child please adheres to these rules. 



If in the case of an emergency or in the case that you will be late. Kindly contact your class teacher or call the school landline prior to pickup time.

Please call the school, Jessica, 060 401 5845, or WhatApp your class teacher.



Daily transport for your child to and from school is the responsibility of the parent. If you require transport to or from school, we suggest you contact any of the below in this regard,

Tanya Lucas on 0823615512

Candice Magnet 0845932261

Des on 0722399555

Craig Magnet on 0845982450



If you wish to discuss your Child’s progress with us, please let us know so that we can arrange a mutually suitable time.  Around the time of the assessments, we will place a list in your child’s classroom for you to select a time to meet to follow up on your child’s assessment/ progress.


We send out a regular newsletter, which provides you with classroom and other information pertaining to the school.   We do this to promote constant open communication with parents to ensure a successful program for the children in our care and a general understanding of school procedures to parents. 

We also have a class WhatsApp group on which we share information pertaining to your child’s class or activities.  Please use this group only for school activities and we ask that you message your child’s class teacher privately if it is not a general question.



The Committee is made up of a chairperson & class representative.  The purpose of this committee is to create a forum for parents to voice their opinions, concerns, and ideas freely. 

The chairperson then meets with the principal to discuss any issues and to reflect on the running’s and operations of the school. 

The Parent Committee is responsible for any fundraising for the school.  The parent committee meet regularly and then feed back to the principal.  We have two parent meetings a year to discuss various topics pertaining to the general running of the school as well as to give feedback and enrichment through guest speakers.



Our first Parent meeting will be during the first few weeks of term 1, 2024.

The extra mural teachers have an opportunity to introduce themselves and to tell you more about what they will be offering in 2024.  We occasionally have a second meeting in October to discuss the year ahead, but this will be confirmed later in the year.  We ask that you try and attend these two meetings and diarize the dates as soon as we give them to you. 



Your Child will have active days and will do messy activities as part of his/ her hands on learning.  Please send your child to school in everyday play clothes that wash easily and fit comfortably. 

All Children must keep a complete change of clothes in their bag. 


Please label your child’s clothes clearly as it helps in returning lost items.  Please ensure that any precious personal items, such as jewelry, be kept at home.   


As a school we purchase the necessary stationary for each child and keep it in our storeroom at school. 

Please send your child to school with a reasonable sized bag that can fit onto his/ her hook. 

The bag should contain the following:


  • A spare set of clothes

  • A message book (to be supplied by the school)

  • A healthy snack box and bottle of water

  • A warm top & shoes

  • A small bottle of hand sanitizer

  • Sun cream (in summer months)

  • A spare cloth mask



It is normal for your little one to feel a little nervous and apprehensive in the beginning.  Please feel free to come in (during their first week) to see what we are up to in the morning.  They always love to show mommy & daddy what they are doing, but if they are very upset let us help in settling your child by not making the goodbye process too drawn out.  They will soon settle down and make new friends.  It is also common for them to lose interest a little later on, once the novelty of coming to a new school has worn off. 

Please help us in building a routine for them by encouraging them to continue even if you are tempted to let them rather stay home and watch their favourite movie.



The children will each receive a small message book that needs to be covered in plastic please.  This book is used to communicate with you on a daily basis.  We will also include a baker man/ cake raffle list. 


On a weekly basis we will include a breakdown of what we will be doing at school the following week and at times ask your children to bring various things to school.  We understand that you all lead busy lives and appreciate any contributions that you are able to make.  We are able to provide all these things but feel that your Children benefit greatly by ‘getting involved’ and finding things at home.  The children come to school excited and able to share their ideas or information at this age and we welcome it. 

Please check your child’s message book everyday.



A learner portfolio is a collection of evidence (drawing or other activities such as cutting and pasting, collages, first attempts at writing and scribbles, paintings, teacher’s comments) that belongs to your child. 

We send this file home termly for you to peruse.  Please look at it with your child, write a comment on the comment sheet and return to school. 



The learner profile is a continuous record of information that gives an all-round impression of a learner’s progress including the holistic development of values, attitudes, and social development. 

It assists the teacher at the next level (or grade) or school to understand your child better and therefore to respond appropriately.  This learner profile will be kept at school in a file and can be looked at whenever you wish.  In this file we will also keep the work that they are covering and a copy of their assessments. 

Please inform us if you have your child sent for external assessments or testing so that we can work with you to offer your child the best assistance we can.  Any external assessments will also be filed.



Healthy lunches are important for our Children. And help with concentration and learning.  Healthy eating changes are not always easy to make.  Here are a few suggestions:


  • Encourage children to be involved in their lunch preparation and their choices about foods to include. 

  • There are limited times for children to eat before heading out to play.  Children may prefer to play with their friends instead of eating. 

  • Six items to put in a lunch box:      

  1. Fresh fruit

  2. Crunchy vegetables

  3. Dairy – cheese, milk, or yoghurt

  4. Protein – slice lean meat or hard-boiled egg

  5. Starch – bread; roll; flat bread; fruit bread or crackers

  6. Water or fruit juice





Best choices: Fresh or tinned fruit

Best left out: Dried fruit bars and packets of sugar covered dried fruit are very high in sugar, low in fiber and stick to their teeth causing tooth decay



Best choices: Try vegetable sticks with dips or a small container with mixed vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, peas, and cucumber

Best left out: Vegetables that you know they will not eat



Best choices:Cheese slices, cubes, or sticks

                      Yoghurt –natural or fruit yoghurt. 

                    Try freezing a tub of yoghurt and putting it in your lunch box.  By lunch time it would have partially thawed and ready to eat


Best left out:Dairy desserts and flavoured milk are high in sugar



Best choices: Include a variety of bread and fillings, especially if children begin to lose interest in sandwiches, Brown bread or Rolls; Flat bread; Fruit loaf or Buns

As an alternative: Pasta – Make a salad with lots of raw vegetables. Rice - When making rice add lots of steamed vegetables.      



Best choices: Dry biscuits, crisp breads; rice cakes with yoghurt or dip.

Best left out: ‘Oven baked’ savoury biscuits are just as high in salt and fat as crisps.



Best choices: Try making your own healthy muffins please.  Sweetened muffins are actually cakes.  Include fruit and vegetables such as sultanas, carrot, banana, and pumpkin.

Best left out: Doughnuts and cakes are for birthdays and special occasions rather than in lunch boxes.



Almost all ‘bars’ are too high in sugar however some cereal bars are better for teeth than chewy, sticky muesli type bars.  Try to avoid chocolate bars and muesli bars in lunch boxes.  These are expensive and stuck together with fats and sugar.



Water is best, but not always possible. Water and diluted juice can be frozen the night before so that it is still cold at lunch time.  All sweet drinks such as ‘undiluted’ fruit juice; cordials; sports drinks; flavored mineral waters and soft drinks are high in sugar and not necessary.  These drinks increase risk of tooth decay, are filling and may take the place of healthier foods.

Arts & Crafts

A few extra words…


‘There's no single right way to raise a Child, and there's no such thing as a perfect parent - or a perfect Child. But here are some guidelines to help your children grow up healthy and happy:


*Show them how much you love them. Tell your Children "I love you" every day. You can never give them too many hugs and kisses.

*Listen to your Children. Let them know you think they're important and that you're interested in what they have to say.

*Make your Children feel safe. Comfort them when they're scared and protect them from harm.

*Praise your Children. When your Children learn something new or behave well, show them you're proud of them.   Reward them with your love and attention.

*Criticize the behaviour, not the Child. When your Child makes a mistake, don't say, "You were bad.’ Instead, explain what the Child did wrong. For example, say: "Running into the street without looking isn't safe." Then tell him or her the correct behaviour.

*Be consistent in your rules and discipline. If two parents are raising a Child, both need to use the same rules.  Also, make sure baby sitters and relatives are aware of, and follow, your family rules.

*Spend time with your Children. Do things together, such as reading, walking, playing and even cleaning house.   What Children want most is your attention. Bad behaviour is usually their way of getting your attention.’


Parents are the first teachers in the home.  You are responsible for the development of values, attitudes and habits that will be needed as your Children associate with classmates and adjust to school.  The more involved you are as parents, the more likely they are to succeed and reach their full potential. 


Ways that you can help us as teachers:

Create a smooth takeoff each day. Give your Child a hug before you say goodbye.  Look them in the eye, and tell them how proud you are of them and that they are in a caring, happy place with people who love them. Your Child’s self-confidence and security will help them adjust and settle into their new environment. 

Prepare for a happy landing at the end of the day when you reconvene. Create a predictable ritual such as 10-20 minutes listening to your Child talk about his/ her day – before you check phone messages, read the mail, or begin dinner. That way you are fully present to listen, and your Child has a touchstone he can count on between school and home.

Fill your Child’s lunchbox with healthy snacks and lunches. Have dinner at a reasonable hour. A well-balanced diet maximizes your Child’s learning potential.

Include calm, peaceful times in your Children’s afternoons and evenings. Maintain a schedule that allows them to go to school rested, and if they are sick, have a system in place so they are able to stay home.

Remember, when your Child’s teacher requests something in their message book, it’s your Children’s homework, not yours. Assist them in finding an object or activity but please don’t do it for them.

Fill your Child’s life with a love for learning by showing them your own curiosity, respecting their questions, and encouraging their efforts.

Fill your home with books to read, books to simply look at, and books that provide answers to life’s many questions. The public library is an excellent resource.

Be a partner with your Child’s teacher. When you need to speak to him/her in reference to a specific issue with your Child, do it privately, not in front of the Child. Make a point never to criticize your Child’s teacher in front of your Child.

Set up a system where routine items are easily located – such as backpacks, shoes, newsletters and message books . Create a central calendar for upcoming events to avoid the unexpected.

Tuck a “love note” in your Child’s lunch bag to let them know how special they are. Knowing they are loved makes it easier for Children to be kind to others. 

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